Let's face it: we grew up in a different era than our parents. While they were paving the way for the release of the first computer we were learning how to use the cell phone (and it had actually gotten smaller than the size of a brick). So it's not surprising that when entering the work place a few common practices left us scratching our heads. 1. Not knowing how to use a fax machine. Wait, wait wait. So you're telling me I have to use a phone number and this giant machine to send a receipt to the customer? While I'm fumbling with this thing that's beeping at me I could've scanned it five times or better yet sent the digital copy to the customer via a little thing we "Millennials" call the good ol' email. 2. Preferring email or text over actual voice-to-voice phone conversation. You mean I have to actually call him to ask him to email me the invoice? We are so terrified of voice-to-voice interaction though I'm not sure we even f...
Writer, blogger, Youtuber, lover of great books and pretty things.