Hello, fellow writers! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Today I wanted to talk about perfectionism. More importantly, I wanted to talk about why it's killing your writing. I don't know about you, but I've always had a positive connotation with perfectionism. To me, it meant a person that would strive for the best of their ability. It meant dotting your I's, crossing your T's, and never sending an email that you haven't reread at least three times. So if perfectionism means striving for the best your work can be, then how could it possibly be bad for your writing? Let me bring you in a bit closer, to a more intimate look at some of the more debilitating moments of my self-proclaimed perfectionism. Like four years of countless revisions of my first novel because there was always something that needed changing. Throwing out entire characters because I hit a road block in developing their personality profile. If it wasn't perfect, I threw it ...
Writer, blogger, Youtuber, lover of great books and pretty things.